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We are always looking for volunteers!

Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering for any of the following opportunities.

View the events calendar for upcoming events.

Meet and Greet Opportunities


Do you want to help spread the word about how greyt greyhounds are as pets?  Does your greyhound love to meet new people and dogs, get extra pats and attention, and experience new environments?  If so, we invite you (with or without your hound) to join us as a volunteer at one of our many meet and greet events.  These opportunities are at a variety of venues and dates throughout the year so you can find one or several to suit your schedule.  Please see the events calendar for upcoming dates and times. 


Special Events Opportunities


Throughout the year there are special events such as the Annual Picnic, Easter On Parade, Pet Expo, Fundraiser Dinner and many more.  Planning, communication, hosting, setup and take down are required for each event and volunteers are critical to the success of events.  


Dog Haul Support


Throughout the year there are several dog hauls where dogs arrive directly from the track.  Work with a group of volunteers to help freshen up the hounds by clipping their nails, cleaning their ears, and giving them a bath.  And don't forget to give the hounds lots of pats, hugs and plenty of attention!   


Foster Homes


We are always looking for greyhound savvy families to foster retired racers as they make their transition to home life while waiting to be adopted.  JRG provides all veterinary care and medication, a crate for your foster hound, and any special things he or she may need. The fosters provide the hounds with food, a roof over their heads and lots of love and attention. Fostering is extremely rewarding, you get to help a greyhound explore a home (most have not seen stairs, patio doors, and other interesting things), learn good manners, and experience the love of a family. 

If you are interested in fostering, please fill out and submit a JRG Foster Questionnaire.  The JRG Foster Coordinator will be in touch with you after your JRG Foster Questionnaire is submitted. Thank you for your interest in fostering!

Fundraising and Other Opportunities 


We are looking for dedicated volunteers with experience, ideas, and interest in fundraising, event planning and advertising, corporate sponsorship and donor development.


Do you have experience with grant writing?  We are looking for volunteers to respond to grant proposals.


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